Chiropractic Treatment For Neck Pain in Raleigh, NC

Experiencing stiff or immobilizing neck pain? You’re not alone. This is a common pain amongst all individuals. Fortunately, Raleigh Central Chiropractic and Rehab is here to correct these neck problems, improve neck rotation, and get you back to living a healthy, active life.

Your neck, which is a part of the cervical spine, contains seven small vertebrae beginning at the base of the skull. Amazingly, the cervical spine is the support beam for the weight of your head, allowing it to move your head in nearly every direction. This allotment of range of motion (ROM) can make the neck very susceptible to both minor neck pain or serious injury.

The neck’s susceptibility to injury is due in part to biomechanics. Common activities and events, such as sleeping, sitting, falls, normal aging, and daily wear and tear affect cervical biomechanics. Neck pain can be very frustrating, and can stem from a variety of causes. Some sources of neck pain are injuries, accidents, arthritis, poor posture, forward head carriage, stress and emotional tension.

Overcome Neck Pain in Raleigh, NC

When visiting Raleigh Central Chiropractic and Rehab, Dr. Ward or Dr. Chisholm will perform an analysis of your pain by asking questions about your symptoms, as well as performing a physical exam to determine the cause of the problem. Some cases may need further testing, such as x-ray or MRI, to diagnose the condition. We treat neck pain differently for each patient. Depending on your pain level, location of pain, and duration of condition, we make sure that we practice the perfect treatment to best help your condition.Chiropractic adjustments have the ability to correct neck problems, improve neck rotation, and get you back to living a healthy, active lifestyle. Let us help you fix your neck pain today.