Cold Laser Therapy in Raleigh, NC

At Raleigh Central Chiropractic and Rehab, we use cold laser therapy to help our patients lead healthy and pain-free lives without the use of drugs or invasive surgery. In most cases, we can accomplish great results with just chiropractic care, but when patients have had their problems for years, it can help to get a head-start to activate the body’s own internal healing processes.

Cold lasers are handheld devices that are placed directly over an injured area for anywhere between 30 seconds to several minutes, depending on the size of the area being treated and the dose provided by the cold laser unit.  It can be used on patients who suffer from a variety of acute and chronic conditions in order to help eliminate pain, swelling, reduce spasms and increase functionality.

Non-invasive Laser Treatment in Raleigh, NC

Cold laser is available to all our patients in the Raleigh, Cary, Garner, or Millbrook, NC area. Cold Laser therapy is a safe, proven, consistent, and effective treatment that helps to jump start the body’s internal healing processes. The treatment is comfortable and helps our patients see results. 

Reach out to schedule your consultation!